Hi, I’m Josh.
I’m a husband, father, and entrepreneur.
Growing up we didn’t have much. I watched my parents sacrifice their physical health for me and my siblings. Both my parents are disabled and they took on demanding blue collar jobs which further destroyed their bodies. It was hard to watch them come home in pain day after day. All I could do was to think of ways I could make money to help the family.
[convertkit form=1753846]In middle school, I had a desire to fix things, make money, and start a company. I started my first venture at 12 years old buying broken laptops, fixing them, and reselling them on eBay. Since then, I’ve started a few different businesses, including a company that developed quick absorption rehydration capsules. Most recently, I started a business selling office products using Amazon’s FBA program.
Nearly a decade ago, I started my career in venture capital because I wanted to learn the secrets to building a successful company. Currently, I work as an ecommerce consultant and moonlight my many ventures.
Join me in my many ventures if you want to be entertained, inspired, and challenged to become the best version of yourself. I promise I’m not boring.
Hi I’m Josh
Father & Entrepreneur
My mission is to encourage and share valuable business lessons to first-time entrepreneurs building a business. Having partnered with over a 1,000 businesses, I saw so many entrepreneurs struggle with their business and themselves. I believe my greatest calling is to inspire and provide know-on how to build a successful business.
We’re entrepreneurs from all walks of life all over the world. We get access to the best posts every week to build a better business, faster. Want to join us?
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